Posts tagged Yota Schneider
Here Are Today's Most Interesting and Best Next Step Discoveries - v44

This is the newest release (v44) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature, with my latest finds that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring, next step discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are a passionate, generous, and engaged group. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Next Step Discoveries

1. Interesting Read – Brave Next Step

Fear can color your choices and how you experience your life. In Todd Henry’s new work, The Brave Habit – A Guide to Courageous Leadership, his goal is “to inspire an epidemic of everyday brave action.” He says, “Bravery exists when we have a vision for a better possible future, and we trust that we have agency to help bring it about.” These ideas are further explored by examining what happens when low to high perceived agency is paired with optimistic or pessimistic visions.

When thinking about the next steps and the consequences of your actions, Todd says, “…almost every action you take, or choice you make has a lingering impact on the world around you, and over time, the impacts of those actions are exponential.”

Todd created The Brave Index to accompany the book. It’s a quick survey that helps you identify areas to develop your capacity for brave work and leadership. Based on your responses, you will receive a customized action plan. Todd says, “Don’t fear wrong action, fear inaction … One small step in the face of fear is enough to dispel its hold on you.”



2. Interesting Workshop – Clutter-Free Next Step

Does your next step include reducing clutter, overwhelm, and disorganization? One in four people struggle with clutter, which can affect their anxiety levels, relationships, sleep, and focus.

If you’re in the Westchester area near Croton on Hudson, New York, join me, Linda Samuels, Professional Organizer, for a live in-person workshop on How to Conquer Clutter. On Thursday, March 21st, from 5:30-7:30 pm Eastern, I’ll present at Design Lab’s monthly speaker series, sponsored by Denise Wenacur of DW Design & Décor. Come say “hi,” network with local professionals, enjoy yummy beverages and treats, and learn empowering clutter insights and solutions.



3. Interesting Article – Unplugged Next Step

March 1st was the Global Day of Unplugging. For 24 hours, we were encouraged to unplug, unwind, relax, and engage in activities that did not involve technology, electronics, or social media.

Did you miss it? That’s OK. You can create your own “unplugged” day or a part of a day at any time. Several of my colleagues wrote terrific articles about the benefits, history, and ideas for unplugging. Is stepping away from your devices next on your agenda? Find inspiration here:


One small step in the face of fear is enough to dispel its hold on you.
— Todd Henry


4. Interesting Resource – Beneficial Next Step

Spring is next. This is an excellent time for editing, letting go, and decluttering your closets and drawers. Do you have clothing and accessories you no longer need, want, or fit? If so, you can clear space and help others.

Consider donating your clothing to The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc. You can drop off things at 185 Kisco Avenue, Suite 101, Mount Kisco, New York. Items will be accepted in March and April, Monday through Friday, from 11 am to 4 pm. Donations are tax-deductible, and tax forms will be available.

The Benefit Shop Foundation will host a fashion pop-up sale on May 17th and May 18th from 10 am to 4 pm. Proceeds will go to various local community-based organizations that help people who live and work in the area.



5. Interesting Thought – Small Next Step

Figuring out what to do next can feel overwhelming. When unsure what to do next or feeling the enormity of a project’s scope, next seems elusive. Instead, focus on making consistent, tiny movements forward.

Each small step lets you experience progress, boosts your motivation, and moves you closer to your goal. Make your next step small and manageable. Do and repeat. Action is your key to progress.

Do you have an interesting, next-step-related discovery? Which of these resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

If you need help deciding on your next step, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Figuring out next is doable, especially with support.

Many Fascinating Ways Your Capacity Affects Your Ability to Change

What is your relationship to change? Do you love change and readily seek it out? Or do you avoid change at all costs? It may depend on the situation. Your feelings about change are influenced by your capacity at any given moment. When you are stressed, overwhelmed, and with no energy or motivation, your capacity for change is low. However, when you’re excited and ready, even if you don’t have all the facts or steps, you have more capacity to seek changes and new opportunities.

It's important to know where you are and what you need. The outcome won’t be great if you try to make a significant change when you’re sleep-deprived and can’t think straight. At those times, instead of pushing beyond your capacity, it’s best to pull back and support what you need. That might mean more sleep, some quiet, or a walk outside.

When you’re ready to stretch and grow, pushing beyond your capacity will be possible. You can do things you’ve never done. This will require physical and emotional energy and mental toughness to stretch past your comfort zone.

Your feelings about change are influenced by your capacity at any given moment.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Monthly Sharing Retreat

Each month, I participate in a fantastic virtual retreat led by my wonderful friend and Clarity Coach, Yota Schneider. She creates a safe, supportive space for women to gather, meditate, write, and share.

On a recent retreat, the theme was capacity. I wrote this passage in my journal during our free-write after the meditation, which I’m sharing with you. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how intertwined capacity is with your ability for change.

Thoughts About Capacity

One thing is for sure. My mind has the capacity to go on in a bazillion directions thinking about capacity. Knowing that, I will take one of the tangents and go with it.

Milk Bottles

I thought about a bottle. I was filling up a bottle, like those old rectangular glass milk bottles delivered to the back kitchen door when I was a kid. As I filled up this bottle with clear liquid, guess what? There was a point when it was to the top, and then, in a moment, it was spilling over. To full, overflowing, beyond capacity. What a mess!


Next thought. I thought about a professional conference I went to. It was jam-packed with three days of learning. Experts spoke about the brain, learning differences, chronic disorganization, and more. The presenters taught us for six to eight hours each day. Between learning and socializing, my brain was too full by the end of the day. I couldn’t think or formulate a coherent sentence. My intake for the night was beyond capacity. I felt like a soaked sponge that couldn’t absorb another drop. I knew it was time to retreat to the quiet of my hotel room.


And lastly, there’s Flaco. He is a giant Eurasian owl born in captivity to parents who also were. He lived in New York City’s Central Park Zoo for over a decade. Then, one night, someone broke into his cage, and he escaped. However, because he was born in captivity, Flaco never learned to hunt or fend for himself. He could barely fly. His capacity was contained.

After his escape, incredible things happened. He became a fascination and inspiration to New Yorkers. One man has been documenting Flaco’s adventures this past year. Flaco, who has a six-foot wingspan, can now fly. He’s a fantastic hunger and can be spotted on tops of buildings or park benches. He stretched beyond his capacity and thrived. Who says owls can’t change?

Milk bottles, conferences, and giant owls. Sometimes, we feel limited by our capacity and must stop or retreat. At other times, we feel inspired to soar to new heights.

Knowing and honoring your capacity for both is the kindest gift you can give. Know when it’s necessary to pull back. Know when it’s time to reach beyond.

Flaco the Owl | Late Night with Seth Meyers

Your Capacity for Change

Locate yourself on the change-capacity scale. Is it time to step back or extend?

If you want assistance aligning your capacity with your change goals, I’d love to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Change is possible, especially with support.

12 Inspired Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Feel Hopeful

As this year ends, it’s time to reflect on the past twelve months and the year about to begin. 2023 has been full of intense emotions, enriching experiences, and deep conversations on the blog. We’ve walked side-by-side, navigated turbulent waters, made new discoveries, and grappled with life balance. In these free-flowing exchanges, insights, new perspectives, and hope emerged.


Our conversations about life balance, change, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, motivation, organizing, self-care, hope, and more have provided abundant comfort, connection, and joy. Thank you for being part of this generous community. You inspire me to show up, write, think, explore, and engage.


I am profoundly grateful for this community’s thoughtful words and beautiful sharing. I curated twelve of my favorite quotes of the year from active engagers, selecting one from each month’s theme. Thank you, Deb Lee, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Jana Arevalo, Janet Barclay, Janet Schiesl, Jonda Beattie, Julie Bestry, Melissa Gratias, Sabrina Quairoli, Seana Turner, and Yota Schneider. You are consistent voices and participators who bring our conversations to life. I am grateful to you and everyone who reads the blog, contributes to our discussions, or shares the posts. You bring hope, light, curiosity, perspective, and learning to every day.

There have been many other conversation participators and sharers this year, including Andi Willis, Cathy Borg, Geralin Thomas, Hazel Thornton, Jill Katz, Julie Stobbe, Juliet Landau-Pope, Kim Tremblay, Laura Cullen Carter, MJ Rosenthal, Pam Holland, Phaedra Studt, Sara Skillen, and Stacey Agin Murray. Thank you for bringing richness to our conversations and for sharing your ideas.

Enjoy the year in review- one quote, insight, and revelation at a time!


12 Inspired Quotes from Our Conversations This Year That Will Make You Feel Hopeful

1. Fresh Start | How to Make Fortune Cookie Wisdom Inspire Your Fresh Start

It really is just a question of getting started for a lot of the time. We make excuses or put up our own obstacles for why we can’t start a project or a goal. Sometimes, it’s not perfect, but you just have to jump in.
— Jana Arevalo
Change is inevitable. Some changes we look forward to and other changes we dread. But we all have the gift of the now and today.
— Jonda Beattie
One tiny thing is often the antidote to overwhelm and ‘Where should I start?’ Sometimes, that little thing becomes the catalyst for bigger things. Or it stays tiny but mighty and gets your thoughts and ideas (and sense of calm) flowing again.
— Deb Lee
Taking that one step, letting go of that one thing, can make all the difference …
It is liberating, empowering, and often underestimated.
— Yota Schneider
I think of clutter as a near-constant buzz in the background. You try to ignore it, but that takes mental resources. Silence the buzz and redeploy the resources.
— Melissa Gratias
Taking short and long breaks is vital to enjoying life.
— Sabrina Quairoli
… for me, accountability is best for professional motivation, and deadlines are better for personal (non-stress-inducing) motivation, but each of us will be different.
— Julie Bestry
It’s the ‘out of the blue’ transitions, or ones through which I am yet to tread, that are difficult. In these seasons, having others with experience makes all the difference …
— Seana Turner
Whatever we’re embarking on will go much more smoothly if we take the time to mindfully identify what we need in terms of human and other resources before we get started.
— Janet Barclay
Glimmers are what keep hope, possibility, and joy afloat …
— Ellen Delap
Sometimes it’s hard when you’re going through a lot to feel joyful. But hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Without it, there is no end.
— Janet Schiesl
All of us have so many facets to our life. Thinking about paying attention to all of them with the same focus is impossible. But when we think about intentionally bringing in a little of this and a little of that, we can create a life that works with the way we want to live.
— Diane Quintana

These quotes were taken from our lively exchanges on the blog this year. What resonates with you? Which idea do you want to bring forward into the New Year?

How can I help make 2024 a great year? When you’re ready for support with creating a better balance, letting go of what no longer serves you, or getting more organized, I’ll be here. Contact me, Linda, by phone at 914-271-5673, by email at, or this form.

I wish you a happy, healthy, and joy-filled New Year!

One Simple, Positive Way to Be More Mindful During Your Day

We are in the season when everything shifts. Some of us, like me, are holding on to the last few days of summer before heading into the busier fall season. Do you remember standing still while watching the water flow back and forth on the shore? Can you remember feeling the sun warm your body as it calmed your soul? Do you remember sipping a cool sip of iced tea slowly and intentionally? Those are mindful moments of presence and awareness.

As the season changes, is your mind racing? Is mindfulness more challenging to embody? Can you feel your focus shifting and dashing to the future? Are you considering the bazillion goals you want to accomplish before the year ends? Are you focusing on what you need to do in the coming days to prepare for the weeks ahead? There is nothing wrong with planning or future thinking. Those are just as important as reviewing the past and staying grounded in the present.


However, when thinking about the next thing feels overwhelming, there is one strategy that can help. I heard this phrase during one of Yota Schneider’s wonderful monthly virtual retreats. Twink McKenney, a wise woman and fellow attendee who is a yoga teacher, graphic designer, and astrologist, offered this up when we mentioned the future. She was determined to focus on the now and not think too far ahead. Twink said, “We’re doing now, not next.”

What a powerful and simple way to change the internal conversation.

  • Instead of allowing your mind to rush ahead, do now, not next.

  • Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on now, not next.

  • Instead of planning too far into the future, be here now, not next.

  • Instead of _____________, do now, not next.

We’re doing now, not next.
— Twink McKenney

Next will be coming soon enough. There will be plenty of time to think about and engage with later. When the time comes, I’ll be ready. Today and this moment, I choose to be present with the now.

How does mindfulness show up for you? What helps you be more present? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.