Posts tagged virtual organizing
One Fantastic Strategy to Get Unstuck and Easily Take Your Next Step

A new month just began. While it’s not spring yet, green growth is starting to emerge from the muted winter landscape. Signs of possibilities abound.

It’s an excellent time to check in and locate where you are. How are you doing with your organizing goals? Are you zipping along, moving projects forward, and making things happen? Or are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of your next step?

When people contact me for organizing help, the most common reason is they want to advance, but activation is challenging. The desire is there, but the overwhelm they’re experiencing prevents them from identifying their next step. Without doing next, progress stops.

The Progress Cycle

  • Each tiny step you take is progress.

  • Progress builds momentum.

  • Momentum reinforces continued action, which propels you toward your goal.


One Strategy to Get Unstuck

When The Progress Cycle feels elusive, how can you get it started? What can you do when you’re overwhelmed?

To be mindful of the stress you may be experiencing, I’m simplifying the options and sharing only one strategy. Here is the strategy: To get unstuck, reach out for help to identify your next step.

There is no reason to go it alone. Support can come from a trusted, nonjudgmental family member, friend, colleague, or professional organizer like me. Together, we will identify your next step. Figuring out what happens next starts the cycle, enabling activation, progress, momentum, and movement toward your goal.

To get unstuck, reach out for help to identify your next step.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

What Does a Next Step Look Like?

During virtual organizing sessions, I help my clients identify the next step and encourage action. We work on closing the gap between thinking and doing. Having a session with me adds motivation and accountability, which results in progress. Below is a small sample of the types of next steps clients identified and actions taken during their one-hour virtual organizing sessions:

  • Cleared out and organized an email inbox

  • Identified and committed to the next tiny steps of a large project

  • Edited, organized, and cleared desk papers

  • Set up a paper management system

  • Created a list of home organization projects and determined where to begin

  • Unpacked and put things back in order after returning from vacation

  • Identified, discussed, and prioritized next step options

  • Edited and organized dresser drawers

  • Assessed and let go of some of your deceased loved one’s belongings

  • Determined the need for and created a good sleep hygiene plan

  • Edited and organized memorabilia

  • Decluttered a chair covered with books, papers, and clothes

Progress was made during the organizing sessions and continued between sessions. Using a combination of support, focus, and small blocks of time, your next step will happen.

Have you ever reached out for help about your next step? If so, what was your experience like? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you want guidance with your next step, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Progress is possible, especially with support.

How to Energize Big Change with a Blissful Little Pause

When you’re making a significant change, it takes sustained energy and focus. This can be exhausting. When pursuing change, motivation is an essential ingredient. However, it’s not enough. Sometimes, you’ll need to act even when you don’t feel like it and your motivation is low or non-existent.

Taking action through small, consistent steps will facilitate the change you desire.

There is another aspect to proactive change that goes beyond desire, motivation, and action. It’s recognizing the powerful and energizing effect a brief pause has.

Last week, I wrote about capacity. The pause is connected to that idea. Consider how much stamina it takes to make a change in your life. Along that journey, which could take days, months, or years, the endurance needed won’t be sustainable without rest cycles.

Clients’ Organizing Goals

I admire my clients’ dedication to pursuing their organizational goals and making changes in their lives. There are weeks when things flow easily for them. At other times, it’s more challenging to activate and move forward. They don’t give up. I support them as they navigate the change process. They balance the intense periods of action with taking breaks. They’ll step away briefly and then return.

The power of their pause is noticeable. After their hiatus, clarity, energy, and determination return. The downtime creates space to breathe, rejuvenate, and refocus.


My Big Changes

You may recall how the pandemic influenced significant changes for my organizing business, Oh, So Organized! In 2020, after almost thirty years of working in-person with clients, I pivoted to offer virtual services only. My organizing company helps overwhelmed individuals challenged by disorganization get unstuck and organized with nonjudgmental, personalized one-on-one sessions, workshops, and publications.

I’ve led workshops for decades. Most of those were hosted by other companies or industry associations. However, in 2022, I started sponsoring my own workshops. I’ve hosted four since then and plan to offer two more this year. It’s been a positive change that I’m still exploring.

In the first quarter of 2024, I had four workshops scheduled, one of which I hosted. I’ve already given three and was invited to present next month for Denise Wenacur’s Design Lab. These changes have been exciting yet intense because of the deadlines.

To sustain the pursuit of the changes you seek, step away from doing to recharge.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

A Gentle Pause

Do you remember I mentioned how my clients balance their change pursuits with taking breaks? Well, I’m no different. I integrate breaks, too. And luckily, in the last few weeks, we’ve had some beautiful snowfall in the Hudson Valley. You may wonder how snow and pausing connect.

These particular snows were incredibly peaceful, covering the landscape in white and making the quiet feel even quieter. I loved pausing to watch the snow steadily fall to the ground. It was meditative and made me feel calm and relaxed. Watching the gently floating snowflakes encouraged me to appreciate the moment and temporarily disengage from my projects. Observing was enough of a break to help me reset, energize, and prepare for the next step.

Weird Facts shared this idea about the quiet a fresh snow brings:

“Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambient noise over a landscape because the trapped air between snowflakes attenuates vibration. That’s why it gets so quiet when it snows.”

Don’t underestimate the power of a pause. To sustain the pursuit of the changes you seek, step away from doing to recharge. Pause and see the snow descend, take a coffee break, or go away for a few days. You’ll be happy you did.

What type of pause benefits you? How does it help you pursue the changes you want?

Help is Here

If you are in the midst of change and want assistance, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Change is doable, especially with support.

How to Stop Ruminations Using Self-Help Strategies and Virtual Organizing Help

Rumination is a common cognitive pattern that feeds on negative thoughts and worries. Noom, a behavior change wellness company, says, "Rumination is thinking repetitively about causes, processes, and consequences of something that’s happening or happened...It's focusing on the problem over and over again instead of looking for solutions."

To improve your mental well-being and ability to move forward, shift from ruminating to focusing on solutions. Help is here.


6 Self-Help Strategies to Stop Ruminations

1. Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Practice mindfulness to help develop awareness when you're ruminating. Pay attention to your thought patterns and notice when you're stuck in negative loops. Self-awareness is the first step in breaking this cycle.

2. Problem-Solving Techniques: Once you notice you're ruminating, shift your thinking towards problem-solving. Instead of dwelling on the causes or consequences of a problem, focus on finding solutions.

3. Positive Visualization: Visualize the desired outcome rather than getting stuck in the negative aspects. Imagine what a successful resolution looks like and how it would feel. This positive visualization can stop the negative thought loop and motivate you to take action.

4. Time-Limited Reflection: Give yourself a specific amount of time to reflect on the causes and consequences, but set a timer. Once the time is up, switch your focus to solutions. This technique helps prevent excessive rumination.

5. Action-Oriented Approach: Take small, actionable steps toward solving the problem. No matter how tiny, each action will build momentum and confidence.

6. Growth Mindset: Consider what you can learn from the situation. Challenges and setbacks provide helpful insights that can be used in the future.


To improve your mental well-being and ability to move forward, shift from ruminating to focusing on solutions.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

5 Ways Virtual Professional Organizers Can Help

What if you want additional assistance to break your rumination cycle? Virtual professional organizers can provide valuable help, especially when you're overwhelmed or stuck in those negative loops. Here are five ways organizers can help:

1. Objective Perspective: A professional organizer can offer an unbiased viewpoint and help you view things differently. 

2. Expertise: Professional organizers are skilled in organizational strategies, problem-solving, and collaborating. With additional support, you will move forward with less stress and more ease.

3. Accountability: Having an accountability buddy is an effective strategy for making progress. A virtual professional organizer can help you set goals, track progress, and encourage positive actions.

4. Customized Solutions: Organizers provide personalized strategies to address your specific challenges and to help create a more organized and positive environment.

5. Flexibility: With virtual professional organizers, you can access their services from anywhere, making it convenient and flexible to fit into your schedule and location.

I encourage you to find a virtual professional organizer who can help with your goals and needs and who you feel comfortable working with. They can be a valuable partner in your journey for less ruminating and more solving.

How can I help? Contact me, Linda, at 914-271-5673,, or click here.

3 Delightful Ways to Increase Your Motivation Now

What drives you to do something? There are many factors, and motivation is one of the most significant ones. Author and educator Kendra Cherry said, “It [motivation] is the driving force behind human actions.” However, you can’t take this “force” for granted. Motivation needs to be cultivated and encouraged. Even when you’ve clarified your why, using additional strategies to stay motivated can be valuable.

Summer brings longer days and a change of pace. This is an excellent season to attend to organizing and other projects or goals you have on hold. Is a lack of motivation preventing you from achieving your goals? If so, here are three quick strategies to help.


3 Ways to Increase Your Motivation Now

1. Set a Deadline

There’s nothing as powerful as a deadline to light the ‘motivation’ fire under you. One way to accomplish this is to bundle finishing tasks and projects with an event deadline, such as having guests over, leaving for vacation, or working between meetings. That added ‘beat the clock’ incentive creates a motivation boost.

Recently, we went away for vacation. While packing was one of the necessary things I did before departing, I was also incentivized and motivated by the ‘leaving soon’ deadline to finish other projects and tasks. I could go away with a clear mind, fully enjoy my time off, and return home to a calm environment.



2. Create Accountability

The number one reason clients contact me is because they are overwhelmed. When overwhelm is present, it can block the motivation needed to take action. The second reason clients reach out is that they recognize the value of accountability and want an accountability partner. Virtual organizing is a great way to mesh accountability and motivation for achieving your goals.

If you need help getting unstuck, moving forward with your organizing projects, or figuring out what comes next, let me know. I am ready to help. Contact me at or through this form.



Motivation needs to be cultivated and encouraged.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Pause to Restore

Being overworked and exhausted impairs motivation. Life isn’t only about doing and accomplishing. It would help if you had time to rest and restore. Even a short pause can be an effective way to increase your motivation.

Your pause can be a coffee break, a walk outside, several deep breaths, a mindfulness meditation, a quick nap, a massage, or a conversation with a friend. There is no limit to the types or lengths of pauses you can take.

One of the great pleasures for me is lying in our hammock. It’s a perfect way to pause, relax, rest, and restore. A few weekends ago, my husband and I took the pause together. What a joy! After a good rest, I had the energy and motivation to work on one of my projects.


Do these strategies resonate with you? What helps increase your motivation? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.