Posts tagged physical clutter
What Value Does Clearing Clutter Make for Having a Powerful Fresh Start?

You are more than halfway through the first month of the new year. Have you leaned into the energy boost a fresh start brings? Or are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and weighted down by your clutter? Clutter can keep us frozen in time, be demotivating, and make activation challenging. Physical clutter can include things like paper piles punctuating counters and surfaces. There can also be mind clutter, internal thoughts, and ideas swirling around the brain. Clutter can be time-related. It can infiltrate calendars and is visible as over-committed schedules with no breathing room.

One of the focus areas this month with clients has been helping them clear a variety of clutter. They want to feel calmer, happier, and more in control of their space, time, and thoughts. I’m continually thrilled by how much progress clients make during their one-hour virtual organizing sessions. They further their goals by working independently in between sessions, too. Relief and joy are typical feelings they experience due to their decluttering efforts.

When clutter is released, you increase your capacity to attend to what is most essential and fully embrace the life you want.


Declutter Physical Things

I recently worked on my own physical and mind clutter that weighed on me. It felt great to make space for the new year. For decluttering the physical things, I

  • Removed and archived last year’s papers

  • Made new file folders for the current year (I love my Brother PTouch label maker!)

  • Edited papers I no longer needed

  • Shredded and recycled

  • Bagged household items to donate

When clutter is released, you increase your capacity to attend to what is most essential and fully embrace the life you want.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Declutter Thoughts

Because my mind was cluttered and filled with too many competing thoughts, I needed help focusing and getting clear. To release mind clutter, I

  • Wrote in my journal

  • Reviewed past journal entries

  • Shared my thoughts out loud with a few people (I’m a verbal processor)

  • Engaged in email exchanges to tease out more thoughts

  • Filled out the Three Things Reflection (a set of questions to review the previous year and future-think about the current one)

  • Practiced patience while allowing ideas to percolate

  • Meditated

  • Practiced yoga


Like my clients, I experienced relief, clarity, and joy after decluttering my things and thoughts. My physical and mental capacity has improved. The slate feels clear and clean. I chose to embrace this fresh start with renewed energy and open arms.

If you feel frozen and overwhelmed by clutter and want help, I’m here for you. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Experience the joy, relief, and clarity decluttering and organizing brings.

5 Positive Benefits of Creating More Balance for Happy Holidays

We’re in the thick of the holiday season. Holiday music permeates the background as you stroll through stores, restaurants, and grocery stores. Is it just me, or do you catch yourself singing along? I can’t help it. The music is contagious. Your balance might be excellent right now. You feel unencumbered, giddy, and joyful with the glitter and whimsy of the holiday season. Or, you might feel overwhelmed by your physical or mind clutter. The overwhelm makes it challenging to focus on twinkling lights, time with loved ones, and feeling at ease.

Finding balance is a constantly moving pursuit. When your balance wanders too far in one direction, it’s time to adjust. It’s an excellent season to make some changes. It will set you up for a happier, more peaceful holiday time. No one wants to be preoccupied with clutter at the expense of enjoying celebrations, cozy time around the fire with family and friends, and quiet moments of relaxation or reflection.

My clients have been especially motivated and focused on recalibrating their balance in the past several weeks. Their physical and mental clutter reached a tipping point, encouraging them to edit, let go, and organize. It’s been exciting to help them make the changes they desire. Enlisting my help enabled them to clarify and recommit to their goals, get unstuck, reduce overwhelm, and feel energized with hope. Making small steps, taking action, and experiencing progress are the secret ingredients to finding your desired balance.

While there are many potential areas to balance, I’ll share five common ones that can inspire positive changes for you.  


5 Positive Benefits of Creating More Balance for Happy Holidays

1. Balance Clothing Clutter

Are you familiar with the One-in, One-Out Rule, a commonly used organizing principle? This encourages you to release one equivalent-type item you no longer want, like a pair of pants or a sweater, when you bring in something new. This concept helps you maintain your current space and organization.

A more substantial edit is helpful if your clothing closets are already tight or overflowing. Especially at this time of year when we are gifted things, including clothing, it’s beneficial to do some closet and dresser editing now. I encourage you to release those items that no longer fit, you don’t like, are worn or stained beyond repair, and are never selected to wear. Let those go. Create visual and physical space for your clothing. You’ll be able to get dressed more easily and know that you love wearing what remains.



2. Balance Mind Clutter

What thoughts are swirling around in your brain? Are your tasks, projects, and decisions to make preoccupying your thoughts? You may have one particularly significant project that is shouting the loudest and making it challenging to focus on other commitments. It’s time to rebalance with the Brain Dump.

An excellent first step is releasing your thoughts from your head and capturing them on paper, a digital document, or a voice recording. Let them out! What happens when we keep them in? The mind clutter continues to swirl around. It keeps us stuck and preventing us from taking action. You can get easily fooled when thinking overtakes doing. It might seem like you’re accomplishing something because that ‘thing’ is all you think about. But you aren’t doing, you’re ruminating.

Action, which brings about progress, is the key to reducing your mind clutter. Select one tiny task from your list. It can be the next step in moving forward on that big project or a single one-and-done-type task. Continue to select something from your list and turn your tasks into small, doable actions.



3. Balance Desk Clutter

Often, my clients tell me they can't think or work when their desks are out of balance and cluttered. Paying bills, writing, scheduling, making calls, or responding to emails can be challenging when your desk surfaces contain visual and physical clutter. The items that collect over time onto your surfaces are waiting for decisions. The objective is to remove things you don’t need visible or belong elsewhere, like

  • Old or fileable papers

  • Extra office supplies

  • Random items that ‘landed’ there or

  • Other people’s stuff

When your desk balance is off, invest time to recalibrate. This doesn’t mean it needs to be completely empty. Find a balance between what you need to be immediately visible and accessible and those things that can be stored or moved elsewhere.

Edit, let go, reroute, and breathe. Can you feel a sense of relief?


When your balance wanders too far in one direction, it’s time to adjust.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


4. Balance Pile Clutter

Are you a piler? You might see stacks of books, magazines, gifts, toiletries, craft supplies, and more. Guess what happens when a pile gets too big? It becomes off balance with the potential to tip. The tipping can cause a tripping hazard. Who needs that during the holiday or any season?

Here’s the good news about these piles containing larger physical objects. Each item takes up a significant volume of space. That means your editing and decision-making power creates visible results more quickly. Here are some examples:

  • A one-foot pile of sweaters to edit = about 5 decisions

  • A one-foot pile of books to edit = about 18 decisions

  • A one-foot pile of magazines to edit = about 36 decisions

Compare these to:

  • A one-foot pile of papers to edit = about 240 decisions

If you want quicker progress on your piles, focus on editing the objects that take up more space and require fewer decisions. You’ll be less likely to experience decision fatigue.



5. Balance Paper Clutter

Why does paper collect? There are several reasons, such as

  • It needs to be filed

  • It is out as a visual cue

  • Belongs to someone else

  • Requires a decision

  • Is pending

  • Is part of an active project

  • It needs to be routed elsewhere

  • It needs to be shredded, tossed, recycled, or digitized

While the reasons are valid, the paper clutter often seems to multiply when we’re sleeping. Getting papers into a manageable balance hinges on your paper management system. This will include an area to

  • Store frequently referenced files

  • Organize current action items

  • Archive less frequently accessed files

  • Recycling container

  • Garbage container

  • Shredder or container to collect shredding

Investing in your paper management system will create flow, reduce paper clutter, and increase productivity. What a beautiful gift to give yourself in preparation for the holidays. And if you can’t focus on this before the season, why not set it as a goal for the New Year?

As you navigate the fullness of the holiday season, what will help you recalibrate your balance? Let me know how I can help with editing, decluttering, and organizing. I’m here for you. Schedule your virtual organizing session today. Reach me, Linda, at 914-271-5637,, or through my contact form.

I wish you a happy, joyful, and organized holiday season!

Here Are Today's Most Interesting and Best Possibility Discoveries - v42

This is the newest release (v42) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature, with my latest finds that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring, possibility discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are a passionate, generous, and engaged group. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Possibility Discoveries

1. Interesting Workshop – Mindful Organizing Possibilities

Are you tired of feeling disorganized and overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? If you answered “yes,”you’re not alone. Various studies suggest a significant connection between cluttered living spaces and feelings of depression, fatigue, stress, anxiety, or cognitive overload. But there’s good news - help is here.

If you are ready to see what’s possible, join me, Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™, Professional Organizer, for an engaging, transformative workshop – 7 Easy Ways to Practice Mindful Organizing: Discovering a Gentle Path Forward, on Thursday, October 19th, from 7:00-8:00pm Eastern. Together, we’ll delve into the world of mindful organizing and uncover the secrets of seven powerful organizing practices that have the potential to change your life.

During this one-hour Zoom workshop, you’ll come away with at least one practical strategy you can immediately implement to create a positive shift in your daily routine. Reserve your spot and register now!



2. Interesting Research – Better Sleep Possibilities

There is a lot of research about the benefits of getting quality sleep (between seven to eight hours a night) and the implications of chronic lack of sleep. Insufficient sleep can cause premature aging and health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, stroke, obesity, and heart disease. During a good night’s sleep, the body heals itself while improving cellular and tissue health, cognitive function, immunity, and energy levels.

Neil Paulvin, a longevity and regenerative medicine doctor, helps patients improve extrinsic aging through better lifestyle choices such as management of alcohol consumption, smoking, diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. He attributes the number one cause of aging faster to inadequate sleep. His suggestions for improved sleep include having a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and making your bedroom a sanctuary.

In the article, “Why Are You So Tired? Your Sleep Schedule Needs a Reset,” Dr. M. Safwan Badr, professor and chair of the internal medicine department at Wayne State University, suggests the “3-2-1 rule.” He says to stop:

  • eating three hours before bedtime

  • working two hours before bedtime

  • using electronics one hour before bedtime.

Dr. Emerson M. Wickwire, professor and head of sleep medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, says that clearing your bedroom of physical clutter can also improve the quality of your sleep.

What would be possible if you started your day refreshed after a great night’s sleep?

Shifting your perspective from a fixed to a growth mindset will open up possibilities.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Interesting Read – Boundary-Creating Possibilities

Do you feel pulled in multiple directions, overwhelmed by choices, or have difficulty moving forward? Do you find it challenging to set boundaries? When that happens, your possibilities perspective is inaccessible. My friend, Kara Cutruzzula, who recently interviewed me on her fabulous “Do It Today” podcast, has an excellent solution for you.

Hot off the press, her new Do It (or Don’t): A Boundary-Creating Journal helps you create and maintain clear boundaries, learn how to say “no,” and release those obligations and projects that feel oppressive. You will feel encouraged to write, clarify your thoughts, and flourish while appreciating Kara’s gentle support as she shares her wisdom with you. She says, “Our time is limited. Do you want to spend yours in a clear and intentional way?” If you do, learn more about her journal here: Do It (or Don’t).



4. Interesting Product – List-Making Possibilities

Do you have many tiny scraps of paper, partially filled notebooks, and random notes scribbled on documents? Are these calls, errands, purchases, and email reminders cluttering your desk, bags, and other surfaces? Are those working for you? If not, create better possibilities and outcomes with this terrific list-making tool.

My inventive frolleagues, Diana Quintana and Jonda Beattie, created My List Simplified, an 8-1/2” x 11” paper spiral-bound organization journal. It will help you easily capture your lists, plans, ideas, tasks, and appointments. It’s undated, so you can organize the journal by the day, week, or an extended period. For further details, click here: My List Simplified.



5. Interesting Thought – Positive Possibilities

Is your internal dialogue working for or against you? Do you focus on the negative? Are you consumed by what could go wrong or think in terms of what you can’t do? We’ve all been there. What happens when you reframe negativity with a simple, powerful phrase? Instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” ask, “Why not?” How will that change your outlook and outcomes? Shifting your perspective from a fixed to a growth mindset will open up possibilities.

Do you have an interesting possibility-related discovery? Which of these resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

What Kind of Overwhelming 'Noise' Does Your Clutter Actually Make?

One of my favorite authors and creative thinkers, Todd Henry, regularly introduces me to new concepts. I admire how he connects ideas from different places to offer fresh perspectives and understanding. Recently, he wrote about the “noise floor,” an audio production term. I equated it to the ‘noise’ clutter makes in our lives.

Todd defined the noise floor as “…the amount of unwanted signal coming from any source other than the one you’re actually trying to record. Listening to someone speak in an environment with a high noise floor is like trying to have a conversation at the beach with a crashing ocean ten feet away. You can make out what they’re saying, but it’s not easy to do.”

He explained how we often “not only allow but invite a high noise floor into our lives.” These “signals” are inputs, requests, demands, and stimuli. If the noise floor in your life is too high, Todd says you might experience things like:

  • Having difficulty with short-term memory and confusing simple concepts

  • Experiencing ongoing distractions and struggling to focus on one project

While you might be functioning with clutter in your life, it could be creating more stress, overwhelm, and challenges than you realize. Are you collecting clutter instead of editing, eliminating, and creating boundaries to keep it under control?

6 Types of Clutter

Think about the noise your clutter makes and how it affects your daily experience. There are different types of clutter, including:

  • Mind clutter – Negative thoughts, thought loops, and disorganized thoughts make activating difficult.

  • Physical clutter – Paper, clothing, toys, and items filling up your environment make it challenging to know what you have.

  • Space clutter – Overfilled rooms, closets, and drawers, make it challenging to move about and locate things.

  • Calendar clutter – Lack of time awareness, chronic lateness, overscheduling, inability to say “no,” and unnecessary meetings affect your stress levels and overall functioning.

  • Digital clutter – Tech devices, email, social media, Internet surfing, dings, and pop-ups create continual distractions, decreasing focus and productivity.

  • Someday clutter – Postponed decisions about things you “might need someday” prevent you from being fully present and available to enjoy now.

Refer to 10 Top Clutter Areas & Solutions That Will Help for clutter-reducing strategies.

Clutter can create more stress and overwhelm than you realize.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

What becomes possible when you lower your clutter noise floor? What will a less cluttered mind, home, or calendar look and feel like for you? Which area needs your time and attention?

Do you want help eliminating the clutter in your life? I’m here for you. Reach out anytime by emailing, calling 914-271-5673, or contacting me with this form. Virtual organizing is a beneficial path forward. Let’s talk. I’m ready to help.