Oh, So Organized

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How to Use "Dumpster Envy" to Get Motivated

Recently, one of my friends used a term I’d never heard before which caused me to think about our unique sources of motivation. While driving together and seeing a dumpster in one of the neighbor’s driveways, she exclaimed, “I have dumpster envy!” I’d never heard that expression before so I asked her to explain what she meant.

My friend shared that when she sees dumpsters, she becomes envious of the organizing and editing work other people are actively doing. It makes her think about her own projects she’d like to be tackling, like emptying the attic. This increases her desire to move forward too.

While I don’t have “dumpster envy,” I have experienced similar situations. When I see renovations going on or clients working hard on their organizing goals, I feel inspired and motivated to do more too. Have you experienced this?

The dumpster is a strong visual. It’s a huge container that gets filled with things that no longer are needed. Filling the container means that areas inside the home are emptying and getting lighter. The dumpster becomes the container for letting go.

Seeing the dumpster not only represented action, but it represented the hope of what action and letting go can bring. For you, maybe it’s not a dumpster, but another object. What will inspire or motivate you to take action with the clutter that's weighing you down in your life?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!