Oh, So Organized

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Stepping Back to Let Go

We've all been there. We had our glasses just a moment ago, and now we can't find them...anywhere! Normally I'm pretty good with my glasses. I've devised a system that involves multiple pairs strategically kept in the places I use them (office, nightstand, pocketbook, organizing bag, and car etc.) This makes life simpler and less stressful. My glasses are always ready and waiting.

However, the other day, the oddest thing happened. I walked in the house carrying too many things. When I set the items down on my desk, I knocked over my glasses and heard them drop to the floor. Instead of picking them up right away, I first took care of a few other things. I watered the plants, smelled the newly opened candy-scented irises, sorted the mail, emptied the garbage, and filed some receipts.

Then, I went back to my office to organize the rest of my packages and pick-up my glasses. My dropped glasses had disappeared. I looked everywhere. It’s not a large area. I crawled on the floor, used a flashlight to look beneath the cabinets, and emptied my pocketbook. I kept thinking, "They have to be here. I heard them fall."

I walked into the space and out again, hoping they'd magically appear. Where the heck did they go? Glasses don't have wings! Then I started getting silly. I'm laughing at myself because I just knew they were there and I just wasn't seeing them. I told myself to stop getting nuts and wait for my husband to come home. I figured with another person's perspective, they'd be found quickly.

I wanted to let go and stop obsessing. And then it happened. As I stepped back one last time to take an overview of the area, I saw my glasses. They had landed on their edge onto the connecting hardware of my desk chair.

Lesson learned. Sometimes in order to let go, we have to step back. Have you ever found that a different perspective allowed you to let go? What was your experience? Come share with us and join the conversation.