Posts tagged The Worry Cure
What Happens When You Leave Worry as a Last Resort?

We’re all human, which means that worry is part of who we are. Some of us worry more than others, don't we? Perhaps that’s how we were born (nature), or maybe it’s due to how we were raised (nurture), and more likely it’s a combination of both.

There’s certainly plenty to worry about. We worry about the weather, the future, the past, what other people are doing, or not doing. We worry about our friends and family, our weight, our health, our schedules and appointments, being late or on time, and our full or empty plates. We worry about the things we have control over and those we don’t. We worry about what might happen and what didn't. There’s no shortage for the things we worry about.


One of my favorite phrases that my Uncle Lew says is,

“Let’s leave worry as a last resort.”

I love his philosophy that we don't have to rule worrying out all together, but let’s focus on the positive and only pull out the worry card if absolutely necessary.


In The Worry Cure by Robert Leahy, Ph.D., he sites one study where

“. . . worriers were asked to write down their worries over a two-week period and predict what would happen. In fact, 85 percent of the actual outcomes were positive.”


When I was in Toronto last month for the POC conference, I explored one neighborhood that was filled with artistic graffiti. I came across the “Don’t Worry!” sign spray painted on one of the buildings. I loved the strong message.

On my desk, I have a small purple eraser from the whimsical office product company, Poppin. On the eraser, printed in white letters it says,

“work happy.”

So I leave you today with these thoughts…let the worries flow elsewhere and allow the happy to come your way. I’d love to hear your thoughts. How do you manage the worry and happy in your life? Come join the conversation.