Oh, So Organized

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Resting Time

Holidays are an interesting time of the year. With fall comes the big Thanksgiving feast, some extra time off from work, eating lots of delicious food and visiting with family and friends that we may not get to see so often. Routines are altered in a variety of ways. For some this change becomes very stressful and for others the time is enjoyable.

To be honest, I suppose I experienced a bit of each. There was some stress involved in preparing to host twenty-one people for Thanksgiving dinner. In the past, I’ve planned several weeks in advance for big events like this. However, all I had prepared in advance this time was buying the napkins. Since the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving had been particularly busy, I never stopped to plan the meal. It was only a few days before that my husband and I had our discussion to figure things out. This was unusual for us and that’s where the stress came in. 

Interestingly enough, once we did talk, everything fell into place with the shopping, cooking and cleaning. With our plan in hand, we knew what we needed to do and when. By the time everyone arrived Thanksgiving day, we were able to totally enjoy our family and the meal. There is nothing quite as wonderful as filling your house with the people that you love. I was grateful to have everyone together.

During the next few days, I had the chance to just play and relax. These were my “resting days,” as my mom called them. As she has often said, “We all need time to relax.” This is so true. Taking a break from our routines and busy schedules is essential to our well-being. It is all too easy to get caught up in the cycle of continually doing and not give ourselves the time to just be.

As today was uncharacteristically warm and sunny for a New York fall day we decided it was the perfect day for a walk. My husband suggested going on a path we’d never taken before. The route took us along the Hudson River and it was spectacular. Parts of the path led to sandy areas. The wonderful scent in the air reminded me of our beach vacations. Allowing myself to enjoy the day, enabled me to come back home feeling energized and ready for the surprises ahead.