Inspired Decluttering

Spring's arrival marks an excellent time to declutter and organize. Using an event to motivate your decluttering efforts is an effective strategy. Which one of these might work for you? 

  • Entertain - Throwing a party, from an intimate dinner to a large BBQ, can motivate us to declutter as we prepare for company. Use social, happiness-producing events for clutter maintenance. 
  • Move - Moving motivates us to evaluate our "stuff" and release the extraneaous. The more you edit and declutter before a move, the faster your home will sell and the easier it'll be to organize your new space. 
  • Sell - Having a tag sale gives you a specific deadline to work towards, increases your letting go motivation, is an enjoyable social activity, and lets you make a few bucks in the process. It's also fun to meet the buyers of your "stuff."