Understanding Change

Possibilities are in view

I’ve noticed that change seems to revolve around three ideas- letting go, trusting, and embracing. To create change, I have to be willing to let go of what was, trust the process even if I feel unsure, and be able to embrace the new.

When we are used to something, including if it no longer serves us, it can be challenging to let go. But real change requires it. When we feel uncomfortable during transitions because we don’t know what will happen, what “new” will feel like, or issues we might encounter along the way, trust is essential. I remind myself that I’ve successfully navigated changes before. In spite of discomfort, change brings growth and opportunities. Real change requires trust in the self and the process. Then there is opening your arms and embracing change. When I lean in, rather than tense-up, I keep my mind open, creative, and flexible to the wonders before me.

As you embark on this new year and decade, what changes are you pondering?

Wishing you an amazing 2020!

Linda SamuelsComment