Fall's Visible Changes

The other day I was walking on my favorite path along the Hudson River. It was a gorgeous late afternoon with a coolish early fall temperature, a slight breeze, and the sun peeking in and out from the clouds above.

I’m always looking for visible changes, especially this time of year. Trees hold the magic and never disappoint. Catching my gaze was a small maple tree full of mostly green leaves. But what drew me close was one bright red leaf nestled among all the green ones. It was a sign!

Change was evident in its most visible, bold way. It was as if the red leaf had invited me to join it. The intense color and swaying movement encouraged me to be brave, step outside my comfort zone, and embrace change and what’s possible. OK. Maybe it wasn’t indicating all that, but I felt something visceral.

For me, hosting my first online workshop (How to Conquer Clutter) is a significant change. I’m so excited! It has been a long time in the making. So many of you have encouraged, guided, and inspired me. I’m deeply grateful to you.

If you have already registered, thank you. I can’t wait to see you on October 20th! Please invite others you think would enjoy it. Let’s clear the clutter and make space for what’s possible.