Oh, So Organized

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"Fun" Break

Sometimes it's an event more than a date that defines the beginning of a season. Our town has an annual "Summerfest" that begins with a parade leading into the village center. This festival marks the unofficial arrival of summer. Traffic is closed to moving vehicles so pedestrians can wander freely. The streets are filled with booths of things to eat, vendors selling trinkets, live music, families and friends mingling with one another, air castles, tag sales, flip flops and shorts.

As my husband and I walked into town, the mouthwatering BBQ scents wafted towards us. We met up with our friends and enjoyed some food and conversation in this happy, relaxed atmosphere.

After a few hours, we returned home to do some work. It was difficult getting started as I was still in the summery, playful mood that the fair inspired. Slowly I got to work. The "fun" break helped me to approach my list in a less frenzied way. It reminded me how important it is to enjoy yourself and take breaks.

As your gears shift into summer, find your right balance between work, fun and relaxation. When in doubt, take a break. You will return refreshed.