Oh, So Organized

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How to Use That Energy Boost You Get From a Fresh Start

Have you experienced the surge of energy you feel after you’ve cleared? The cleared I’m referring to comes in many forms from spaces to thoughts to time. There’s a feeling of lightness, as if we've dropped pounds. There’s a lightness of spirit with a dab of euphoria. When we’re weighted down by our “stuff,” our thoughts and being becomes sluggish. Clearing, decluttering, reducing, editing, and lightening, often bring about a positive, happy feeling.

What can you do with that lightness? That feeling can be accompanied by clarity of thought, openness for opportunities, ability to stretch towards new goals, and desire to embrace a fresh start.

I have three simple experiences to share that connect with this idea. I’d love to hear about your experiences too.


Year End Clearing

At the end of each calendar year, I go through our financial files and remove the receipts and bank statements from my filing cabinet, organize them into oversized, labeled envelopes, and put them into a labeled storage box. By the end of the year, these receipts and statements take up a lot of real estate in my file drawer. It always feels great to remove them in order to make room for the current year.

This year, after I ousted the files, I took a few minutes to appreciate and acknowledge the cleared space. My file drawer was no longer crammed and I could easily access the remaining files. I felt freer and both physically and mentally ready to handle the current year.


Card Clearing

In that same drawer was a file that held cards and notes I’d received from family and friends. The easy access file is the temporary holding spot until it becomes too full. When it does, I get out the step ladder and transfer the cards into one of three purple “card” boxes stored in a nearby closet. When I pulled out the boxes, I discovered they were full.

Instead of buying more boxes I decided to keep only as many cards as the boxes would hold. It meant I needed to do some editing, which I did. Then I organized the boxes by category – one for my husband’s cards, one for our daughters, and one from everyone else.

My drawer was lighter, my boxes were clearer, and I felt grateful and happy rereading these beautiful messages from my loved ones.


Mind Clearing

Later this week, I’ll be traveling to St. Louis for an ICD Board meeting. One of my favorite parts of traveling is the airplane time. I’ve written about this often and it’s worth mentioning again. My “air” time is for clearing my thoughts. I think, read, and write without any distractions or interruptions. I’m looking forward to the energy boost and clarity that will result. I’ll go forward with a renewed outlook and openness to ideas and possibilities. It works every time.

What have you cleared? What have you noticed as a result? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.