Oh, So Organized

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Is It Time to Declutter Your Weeds for Remarkable Growth?

Spring is here in full force with new blooms appearing every day. Some blooms are in fact, weeds. These weeds can quickly overwhelm our garden. They crowd and strangle the plants we want to thrive.

Have you been decluttering and removing weeds from your garden? What have you noticed?

I’ve loved my outdoor time these last few weekends puttering and clearing the plant beds. I’ve gotten immense pleasure from working with my hands, digging in the dirt, pulling out the weeds, and creating clear, open space for growth.

Our personal environments are very much like our gardens. Our stuff can collect in piles, corners, closets and drawers. The piles seem to grow on their own, quickly and quietly taking over our spaces. Clutter can make it hard to think and move. The clutter in our home is like the weeds in our garden. It can prevent creativity, block growth, or zap our energy.

What would it feel like if you tended to your indoor garden and decluttered your weeds? What would less feel like? How would a clearer space (mental and physical) create possibilities for remarkable change?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!