Oh, So Organized

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Linda's Top 3 Success Strategies

Whether you’re trying to get organized, embarking on a new journey, making a major life transition, or simply trying to have a productive day, there are some success strategies that can help. Activating any one of these can make the difference between soaring and feeling stuck. Which success tips work for you?


A good dose of play renews your focus.

1. Playing – When you’re in the process of starting something new, you’re bound to feel a combination of excitement and stress. Clearing your mind can help focus your energy in a positive direction, so that you can tackle the challenges before you. Sometimes this involves suspending work to focus on play.

Right now I’m working on many professional and personal projects. Each one needs attention and focus. While I can work for hours on end, successful results are only possible if I pace myself. Instead of working to the point of exhaustion, I take play breaks.

One of my breaks was kayaking on the river with my husband. It was pure joy as I experienced the pull of the paddle sloshing through the water, the beautiful sights and sounds of the wild life, and the fresh air that surrounded me. After a good dose of play, I was able to return to my work with renewed focus.


Investing in a plan is time well spent.

2. Planning – Never underestimate the value of planning. Do you know Nike’s “Just do it.” slogan?  While that might be effective in certain scenarios, for long-term success, planning is an integral part of any good strategy. If you don’t have a handle on the big picture, how will you know what parts need your attention and energy?  Once the planning is done, it makes the doing so much easier.

Recently, I spent a good part of my day, just planning one of my projects. By taking the time to plan, I was able to look at the whole, determine what the various elements were, and figure out what needed to be handled or worked on for each of the areas. And in case you’re wondering . . . Yes. There were lists and charts involved!


Learn to identify where you’re stuck.

3. Identifying – When you take on something new, you might experience stumbling blocks. This is especially true if there are pieces that extend beyond your experience or knowledge base. It’s important to first identify what the sticking points are. Once you’ve done that, access your resources to find your answers. Identifying where you’re stuck and what information you need to get unstuck is essential for successful outcomes.

One of my recent projects is preparing for the ICD Conference in Nashville. It’s just a few weeks away. There are many moving parts including presenting speeches, coordinating meetings, and communicating details with fellow Board colleagues. After I did my planning (see #2 above,) I identified where missing information could be found so that I can successfully complete my projects. I reached out to several people, reviewed some notes, and did some Internet searching. Can you hear my big sigh of relief?


There are many success strategies. What are your tried and true favorites? I’d love to hear from you. Come join the conversation and share with us!