Oh, So Organized

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What If?

What becomes possible when we shift our thinking to the “what if” mode? I’m talking about letting go and allowing ideas to generate without judgment or negative commentary or disparaging remarks. Where will your thoughts take you?

In truth, permitting yourself to dream and allowing the “what ifs” to surface can be challenging for some. Is it for you?

Enjoy some space to explore...




Do you need help getting your “what if” juices flowing?  If so, try one of these strategies:

1. Nature Nudge – Being outside, especially this time of year when the fall leaves are changing color, helps us expand our thinking. On several recent outside jaunts, it was impossible not to feel inspired by the views around me. The expansiveness of nature’s beauty opened my mind to larger, unencumbered thinking. Being surrounded by the fresh air and blue skies allowed me to breathe in positivity.


2. People Nudge – Having stimulating conversations with your people (family, friends, or colleagues) is a great way of encouraging the “what if?” mode. Being around others that are thinking big and imagining what’s possible can inspire us to expand beyond our current constraints. I just returned from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) conference in Denver where I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with wonderful colleagues from around the world. It was definitely a “what if?” idea booster.


3. Paper Nudge – Allow your inner thoughts to be captured on paper. This is another way to shift into the possibility-thinking mode. If paper isn’t your medium, try other ways to download your ideas like using a voice recorder or computer. I use a combination of techniques including writing with a pen in my journal, typing on a keyboard, and talking out loud with others.


There are many other ways to get the “what if” thoughts flowing. Have you tried, organizing your space, traveling, exercising, creating, showering, or reading? What actions work for you? What’s possible this season? Come join the conversation.