Oh, So Organized

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Year End Honesty

This is the last post for the year. It’s a quiet day, which comes after several lively days filled with family, friends, and gatherings. This is a reflective time of year as I sit here wearing my cozy socks and sipping a warm cup of Earl Grey tea.

When I finished writing my post, I asked our daughter to give it a read before sharing it with you. Cassie exclaimed, “That’s great, Mom!” Over lunch, we continued our conversation. She said, “The list is too long. I got lost in it and couldn’t focus. And the post doesn’t have any spark.” Now that’s good feedback! Then she added, “Would it be so terrible if you started over?” We both burst out laughing. She’d gone from, “that’s great” to telling me what she really thought.

You can’t ignore the truth. In the spirit of Cassie’s honesty and the connections they conjured up about this time of year, I opted to rewrite this post. The long list is gone, the message is more focused, and hopefully you will feel a spark.

Lists - In thinking back over the year, did you include too much on your list? If you had edited more, would you have experienced better balance? Were there too many “shoulds?” Was it challenging to prioritize and focus? In looking ahead, include what is most important. Be selective so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Make the lists want/need-based rather than should-based.

Passions - Was the past year draining? Maybe you didn’t include enough of what you’re passionate about? What energizes you? Going forward presents opportunity. Add the spark! 

Beginnings - One of the fabulous things about this time of year is our ability to reflect, reset, and dream. We get a “do-over.” This is the ultimate gift. Let go of what didn’t work. Release your fear. Embrace the possibilities. Start over.

As you reflect back and future think, what do you see? As we transition from one year to the next, allow clarity and hope to flourish. Wishing you and your loved ones joyous, focused, and spectacular days ahead.

I’m grateful for the perspectives you continue to share in this community. I always love to read your ideas and appreciate your comments. Come join the conversation. What are you thinking about as this year comes to a close?