Oh, So Organized

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Overwhelmed? Return to Basics

This morning came with a great reminder. Like most mornings, I woke to the sound of my alarm telling me it was time to start my day. It was dark, gray and rainy. The pouring rain was making soothing percussive sounds on our roof. The bed felt particularly warm and cozy. I remembered that since my first appointment wasn’t so early I had the option to sleep just a little bit longer. So I did.

These extra minutes of sleep and enjoyment of hearing the rain made me reflect that sometimes it’s important to allow our next step to be getting back to basics like sleeping, eating healthfully, exercising, breathing deeply or being grateful. Our busy schedules and long to do lists can easily overwhelm us. Being overwhelmed often translates into inaction. It seems like there is so much to do, we feel defeated before we begin. We then do nothing, creating a more intense state of overwhelm. How do we break this unhealthy cycle?

This is where those basics come in. There will always be a next “something” to do. That’s life. When however, it feels like too much, perhaps your best next step is one that involves taking care of you. It will give you the energy and mental clarity to move forward. So whether it's five more minutes of sleep, eating a good breakfast, getting a massage or taking a long walk, find something that will renew you.

I’d love to hear what you’re thinking about. Are you in need of some self-care? What will you do next to take care of yourself?