Oh, So Organized

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Lizards, Technology & Stepping Out

How often does fear prevent us from making changes or trying something new? Even the bravest of us is afraid of something. It’s often easier and seemingly less stressful to stay safe and remain in our comfort zone. But without being willing to try something different, even if it’s the smallest of things, we also deny ourselves the opportunity for growth, learning and a bit of healthy excitement.

I’d like to share two recent experiences with you about stepping outside my comfort zone. In early fall, I was on a vacation with my husband, Steve. We were sitting at an outdoor café enjoying the view and the warm weather. A man walked up to us holding his pet lizard and asked me if I’d like to take a picture. I said, “Sure, I’d be happy to take your picture.” At which point he said, “Not me, you! Let me take a picture of you holding the lizard!” I quickly declined and offered up Steve, who is much braver than me.  I’m still not exactly sure how it happened, but within a few minutes, there I was, posing with the lizard and being photographed. I do recall some screaming and heart palpitations, but in truth, I had a great time. And now when I see that picture, it reminds me that sometimes it’s important to do that thing we are most fearful of whether it’s for fun, growth, to challenge our assumptions or just to know we can.

Even more recently, I made a big change with my technology. I had been very comfortable with the tools I was using, but they were slowing down and becoming increasing difficult to use. My comfort level with the familiar had made it difficult for me to make any changes. However, I knew that if I didn’t proactively change, I could end up in a bad situation with nothing working. So, after a lot of feet dragging, research, whining and yes folks, procrastination, I finally made the leap. I switched from a regular cell phone and Palm Zire to an updated iMac, iPhone and iPad.

When I walked into the store to purchase the iPhone, I said to the salesman, “I’m here to buy my first iPhone and I’m scared!” He said, “Don’t worry. You’re going to love it!” He was right. It didn’t take long for me to adjust and I quickly fell in love with my phone. I guess that’s kind of sick, falling in love with a piece of equipment, but it’s an amazing phone!

It took about a week and many conversations with Apple Support to get my new equipment working together. But with the help of some extremely patient people, the equipment is now talking together through MobileMe. I still have a lot to learn, but I’m excited about that part. More importantly, I’m enjoying learning new things.

The main thing is that once again I realized in order to move on, we have to be willing to allow ourselves to let go. That letting go might be the fear of the familiar or of ideas we’ve always believed. In order to move on, we have to be willing to be uncomfortable for a little while during the transition. We have to be patient with ourselves and a little bit brave.

I wish for you a dose of bravery as you take on your challenges. What small step can you take today to propel you forward?