Posts tagged snow
How to Energize Big Change with a Blissful Little Pause

When you’re making a significant change, it takes sustained energy and focus. This can be exhausting. When pursuing change, motivation is an essential ingredient. However, it’s not enough. Sometimes, you’ll need to act even when you don’t feel like it and your motivation is low or non-existent.

Taking action through small, consistent steps will facilitate the change you desire.

There is another aspect to proactive change that goes beyond desire, motivation, and action. It’s recognizing the powerful and energizing effect a brief pause has.

Last week, I wrote about capacity. The pause is connected to that idea. Consider how much stamina it takes to make a change in your life. Along that journey, which could take days, months, or years, the endurance needed won’t be sustainable without rest cycles.

Clients’ Organizing Goals

I admire my clients’ dedication to pursuing their organizational goals and making changes in their lives. There are weeks when things flow easily for them. At other times, it’s more challenging to activate and move forward. They don’t give up. I support them as they navigate the change process. They balance the intense periods of action with taking breaks. They’ll step away briefly and then return.

The power of their pause is noticeable. After their hiatus, clarity, energy, and determination return. The downtime creates space to breathe, rejuvenate, and refocus.


My Big Changes

You may recall how the pandemic influenced significant changes for my organizing business, Oh, So Organized! In 2020, after almost thirty years of working in-person with clients, I pivoted to offer virtual services only. My organizing company helps overwhelmed individuals challenged by disorganization get unstuck and organized with nonjudgmental, personalized one-on-one sessions, workshops, and publications.

I’ve led workshops for decades. Most of those were hosted by other companies or industry associations. However, in 2022, I started sponsoring my own workshops. I’ve hosted four since then and plan to offer two more this year. It’s been a positive change that I’m still exploring.

In the first quarter of 2024, I had four workshops scheduled, one of which I hosted. I’ve already given three and was invited to present next month for Denise Wenacur’s Design Lab. These changes have been exciting yet intense because of the deadlines.

To sustain the pursuit of the changes you seek, step away from doing to recharge.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

A Gentle Pause

Do you remember I mentioned how my clients balance their change pursuits with taking breaks? Well, I’m no different. I integrate breaks, too. And luckily, in the last few weeks, we’ve had some beautiful snowfall in the Hudson Valley. You may wonder how snow and pausing connect.

These particular snows were incredibly peaceful, covering the landscape in white and making the quiet feel even quieter. I loved pausing to watch the snow steadily fall to the ground. It was meditative and made me feel calm and relaxed. Watching the gently floating snowflakes encouraged me to appreciate the moment and temporarily disengage from my projects. Observing was enough of a break to help me reset, energize, and prepare for the next step.

Weird Facts shared this idea about the quiet a fresh snow brings:

“Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambient noise over a landscape because the trapped air between snowflakes attenuates vibration. That’s why it gets so quiet when it snows.”

Don’t underestimate the power of a pause. To sustain the pursuit of the changes you seek, step away from doing to recharge. Pause and see the snow descend, take a coffee break, or go away for a few days. You’ll be happy you did.

What type of pause benefits you? How does it help you pursue the changes you want?

Help is Here

If you are in the midst of change and want assistance, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Change is doable, especially with support.

How to Take One Next Step Now When You're Feeling Unusually Overwhelmed

There are times when you’re in a state of flow. You work almost effortlessly on your projects and goals. You lose track of time and are in that creative, exciting phase. At other times, you’re not just stuck but overwhelmed. It feels impossible to move forward and determine your next step. The deluge is heavy, like a huge weight pressing down on you. The list of what needs accomplishing seems so large that it interferes with your focus and motivation. Instead of moving forward, you procrastinate, engage in distractions, or do nothing. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Being overwhelmed is the number one reason my clients contact me for help. Organizing their space, time, or stuff can seem insurmountable. We work together with the big picture in mind, approaching it one small step at a time. And you know what? When we do that, we break through the overwhelm barrier and make progress.

My clients aren’t the only ones who get inundated. It happens to me too. I recognized that something had felt off for me this winter. It hasn’t been a typical season in the Hudson Valley. We barely had any snow, which disturbed my sense of balance and seasonal cycles.


Recently, I came across an image and phrase that resonated with me. An author described the feeling of a winter’s snow and wrote, “the quiet is even quieter.” When I read that, I recognized it was what I’d been missing. It’s not that it’s loud where I live. However, a significant snowfall covering the woods with a thick white blanket creates calm, silence, and that long pause. Things stop.

That unique winter quiet settles my mind as a deep, luxurious exhale. The silence helps me reset. Guess what happened? Last week, we finally got substantial snow. I was so excited when I woke up with the backwoods covered in white. I felt lighter, with a positive shift in my energy and mood. The frosted, peaceful landscape reduced my overwhelm and opened my mind enough to figure out what to do next.

A Simple Path Forward

After enjoying my breakfast and sipping my hot mug of coffee, I had an idea for encouraging forward movement. Using a low-tech solution, I grabbed a piece of paper and some pens to make a chart. It took about 10 minutes to create. I listed my upcoming projects for the next several months. It included project names, due dates, brief notes, and the next step for each project. It felt good to get them on paper and out of my head. I experienced an immediate sense of relief seeing this high-level view on a single sheet of paper. But the most significant benefit was the next step column. Rather than listing the bazillion tasks for each project, I listed only one tiny thing to focus on.

This simple exercise propelled me forward. Within a few days, I completed one of the projects. Now I have my roadmap with clear instructions of what to do next for the others.

Consider the big picture, yet approach it one small step at a time.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

I recognize how the snowfall helped me overcome my overwhelm and inspired the chart. However, snowstorm or not, you can use this helpful tool anytime you feel overwhelmed. There are moments when it’s beneficial to do an entire brain dump of all tasks, steps, projects, and thoughts. However, that doesn’t always work when you’re upset. Doing a total brain download can intensify those feelings. When that’s the situation, consider my ‘next-step’ approach instead.

What helps you figure out next when you’re overwhelmed? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

50 Ways to Prioritize Joy & Tip Your Life Balance in a Positive Direction

We’re in the last week of this year and in full holiday mode. You may feel stressed, calm, conflicted, anxious navigating holiday dynamics, sad, lonely, ready for company, happy this year is almost over, excited about your plans for next, grateful, ambivalent, uncertain, exhausted, or off-balance. No matter where you are or what you are feeling, increasing your joy awareness will have a positive outcome. In fact, experiencing more joy will bring a powerful counter-balance to life’s challenges.

One of the highlights of my week is a regular meeting I have with the Executive Mom Nest advisors and members. Marcy Stoudt, the Nest founder, developed a four-pillar concept, which she integrates into our gatherings and her coaching work.

The pillars are:

  • Vivid Vision

  • Aligned Action

  • Growth Mindset

  • Prioritizing Joy

During our last meeting, we focused on the pillar, Prioritizing Joy. She asked us to bring forward the “feeling of joy” by listing things that make you feel “comforted, present, inspired, and just plain good.” This was such a powerful thing to do. I encourage you to take a few minutes to create your own list.

Joy brings a powerful counter-balance to life’s challenges.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

Here are fifty ways joy finds me:

  1. Discovering bright spots of color in the bare winter landscape 

  2. Putting on my new cozy purple slippers

  3. Receiving an unexpected call or text from my kids

  4. Hugging my husband

  5. Having a deep conversation with a dear friend or loved one

  6. Creating a colorful meal

  7. Taking my first sip of morning coffee

  8. Seeing twinkling lights, sparkles, and glitter

  9. Clearing, cleaning, letting go, and organizing

  10. Touching velvet

  11. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables

  12. Spotting a sign of spring like the first purple crocus that appears outside of our dining room window

  13. Moisturizing, hydrating, and taking care of myself

  14. Writing

  15. Walking in the woods

  16. Tending to my mini herb garden and flower pots

  17. Watching the first big snow of the season

  18. Wigging my toes in the sandy beach while hearing and seeing the ocean waves flow

  19. Experiencing anything water-related – seeing, hearing, being, or playing in it

  20. Doing yoga

  21. Practicing mindfulness meditation

  22. Having virtual organizing sessions with clients

  23. Learning something new

  24. Baking

  25. Getting a massage

  26. Seeing the light and patterns dance along surfaces

  27. Swimming

  28. Changing into my PJs

  29. Taking photos and videos

  30. Smelling lemons

  31. Putting fresh flowers around my house

  32. Feeling the sun on my skin

  33. Watching, smelling, and listening to the crackling sounds of a fire

  34. Getting into our cozy bed at the end of the day

  35. Burning my favorite scented candles

  36. Reading a book curled up on the sofa wrapped in a soft blanket 

  37. Understanding something in a new way

  38. Sharing something I love with someone I love

  39. Humming

  40. Sipping a cold iced tea with lemon on a hot day

  41. Having a guilt-free “blob” day

  42. Spending time with our family and friends

  43. Setting a beautiful table

  44. Seeing something I never noticed before

  45. Traveling to somewhere new or familiar

  46. Holding hands with my husband

  47. Hearing birds chirping

  48. Seeing gorgeous colors

  49. Reading the hang tags on my Yogi Tea or the fortunes in my Fortune Cookies

  50. Laughing so hard that tears roll down my cheeks

When we prioritize joy, we increase our awareness of tiny moments, which will bring more balance, resilience, and happiness into our lives. These moments are there for you, waiting to be noticed and embraced. What are a few things on your “joy” list? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Anticipation & The First Big Snow

We all experience days that we just love. Today is one of those for me. It’s a Sunday. Life seems quieter, sleepier and more peaceful than usual. The family is around and without any special plans on the agenda other than relaxing and allowing the day to unfold.

This calm was accompanied by the anticipation of the first big snowfall of the winter and the new year that is rapidly approaching. Today’s peaceful feeling was a welcome contrast to this time of year, which is often focused on the angst of change and transition. We make time to let go and unclutter ourselves from stuff, negativity and busy schedules. We evaluate, plan and decide what we want for coming year. There are endings and new beginnings, which can elevate our stress levels.

I find myself sandwiched between these two diverse states of calm and anticipation. I feel happy simply enjoying the here and now, yet excited thinking about the snow and goals for the coming year. I am looking forward to the future while still being grateful for the present.

Around noon, the flurries began ever so slightly. My thoughts became filled with being snowed in and cozy with my family. I imagined cooking together, sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows and just hanging out. My list of plans for 2011 seemed far less important.

There will be plenty of time for planning. There will be plenty of time to prioritize my goals. For this moment in time, I am grateful for the blanket of snow, the family being together, the homemade soup we just shared and the hot chocolate with marshmallows that will soon be enjoyed.

What are you enjoying right now? What are you looking forward to for the coming year?