Oh, So Organized

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Time is for many things. There are rushed and busy times, focused and well-paced moments, and periods of transition and angst. Transition time seems to be the theme of late for me. Besides noticing the shift of seasons, it's also been a time of change in family dynamics, clients' lives, and business.

In the last several years, our daughters have left the nest, many clients, family members, and friends have passed away or moved, family traditions have shifted, writing and social media output, coaching training, and mentoring have increased, socializing with friends has become more frequent, and some of my volunteer activities have decreased. While there have been additions, the losses are noticeable. Some transitions come and go quickly, while others linger and take more time for adjusting.

During this transition, I've tried to be patient with myself. I've removed the pressure to figure everything out. I've invited in some essentials like time to write, walk, and be around nature, friends and family. While some time was used to process and future think, allowing myself to just be in the moment, has helped me navigate this time of change. What is shifting for you? What helps you negotiate your new normal?