Oh, So Organized

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I'm a fan of sticky notes, and especially Anne Taintor's vintage-inspired ones. She has a great sense of humor. There are a few of her designs that are relevant to the "letting go" theme I'm writing about this month. One says, "Just file it under 'who cares?'" Another says, "The day was in dire need of a Ctrl+Alt+Delete." I've interpreted the messages as, keep what's important and let go of what's not. This pertains to our physical things like papers, magazines, clothing, or toys. It also relates to the negative thoughts that we allow to propagate and cloud our days.

Letting go isn't always easy to do. In fact, it can be downright challenging. Sometimes we are able to do this on our own. However, when we're stuck, it can be useful to enlist help from a family, friend, or professional. Sometimes we need encouragement and support from another person to push forward.

The good news is how great we feel on the other side. When we get in the releasing, letting go, and getting-rid-of mode, we set the stage for possibilities, clarity, and growth. What will you "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" this spring?